Inbound Blog

HubSpot vs WordPress For Small Business

Are you tired of using a CMS for your website that doesn't meet your business needs? If so, it's time to explore your options. Two popular CMS platforms, HubSpot and WordPress, both allow business owners to customize appearance, themes, and functionality but tailored to different business needs. With so many features and benefits to consider, it can be challenging to determine which platform is right for you. In this article, we'll dive into the features between the two platforms to help you decide which CMS offers the better solution for your business needs.

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B2B Website Design: 7 Key Elements of a Good B2B Service Page

An effective B2B website design brings the right traffic to your company's website and engages visitors with informative content that keeps them on your website for longer ultimately, converting visitors to high-quality leads and those leads into high-value sales. 

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How to Design a Better Blog

You are the proud owner of a B2B website, serving as your virtual platform for both your current and future clients. Your homepage and service pages, naturally, serve as the body of your website. However, your blog is a unique place just for customers and leads. Here is your well of inbound marketing content, your newsletter updates, and also any knowledge base you have accumulated through practical content over the months or years that you have been publishing. 

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How Often Should You Update Your Web Design?

Having a website is a necessity for any business. Whether your customers are around the neighborhood or around the world, you need a place for your customers to research more about your company, see what you have to offer and how to contact you for more information. It needs to be efficient, well-branded, and lead your customers where they want to go. But once you have a pretty good web design, how often does it really need to be updated? After all, website features and blogs don't change that much from year to year, right?

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Preparing for Google Analytics 4 - A Definitive Guide

Change is the only constant in today's dynamic world. And if one institution understands and embraces that concept, it's Google.

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Tips for Improving Your Website Design

Do you want more leads for your business? Of course, you do! To generate more leads from your website, you need to make sure you have a website design that is effective in capturing them. 

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Optimize Website For Leads - The Simple Ways to Capture More Leads

In a competitive environment, every business must do whatever it takes to capture more leads. What's the best way to attract new customers or clients for your business? A focused effort is required, not only for developing an effective marketing plan but to analyze and optimize your website. 

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What Type of Blog Navigation Should I Use On My HubSpot Blog?

We all know blogs are an excellent way to create SEO-focused content at each stage of the buyer’s journey. An area that leaves many people confused is how to create a better user experience for a blog visitor to scroll through all the articles you have written.

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How to Create an Inbound Website That Generates Leads and Sales

A website is more than just a place where your customers can find information about your company. It's an opportunity to engage and convert them into loyal buyers. It's essential that your site has what it takes to attract and retain visitors.

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Website Optimization: Step-by-Step Guide to Updating Your Website

Website optimization is essential in staying current with the latest trends and developments in web design. It helps you stay on top of things, and it also allows you to make changes that are easy for visitors to see and understand.

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Website Redesign - Essential Steps to Prep for a Successful Redesign

Website redesign is one of the most rewarding projects any growth-focused business can undertake. It optimizes your site for findability, improves responsiveness, gives you more control over how users experience your brand, among other benefits.

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Website Redesign: How long will it take?

For a redesign that’s done right, let’s see what you should expect through the website redesign process.

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Estimated service costs for a website redesign in HubSpot

A website is a business card and virtual storefront rolled into one.

Without a website, your business might as well not exist, as it’s one of the first places that people will look when researching your niche and/or company. There are plenty of statistics available to show that companies interested in your services are looking at social media channels, your website, and a handful of other resources like online reviews to make sure that your services are going to solve their problem.

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