Inbound Blog

Customization of form submission redirects

Warning: This post assumes some technical know-how.  On a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being my Mom and 10 being that awkward kid in high school that was really pale and is now a billionaire) this assumes you are a 4.

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How to become a HubSpot developer

Any agency that specializes in HubSpot development will tell you it’s hard to find folks with the right skillset.  HubSpot has grown quite a bit in the past few years but it’s still a “David” to the WordPress Goliath (a much more expensive David but a David nonetheless). However, I can tell you from firsthand experience that the demand for HubSpot developers is growing fast. I don’t know that I can say the same for WordPress. In short, this is a great time to get the skills needed to help fill the talent void.

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Create a custom Call-to-Action button in Powerpoint

This is a brief tutorial on how to create custom call-to-action buttons in Microsoft Powerpoint.

Under the Insert option on the top menu click the Shapes dropdown.  There are a ton of different shapes.  For this tutorial, we are choosing Rounded Rectangle which shows in the Recently Used as well as Rectangles.

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