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Landing pages are vitally important to the success of your inbound marketing strategy as they foster a positive relationship with your new customer from first click. A landing page in and of itself is a simple concept: A page that exists on your website for the sole purpose of providing your potential customer with additional information relevant to the link that led them there.

New clients may arrive to your landing page through a multitude of different digital avenues; Facebook statuses, Twitter feeds, Instagram posts, email, blogs, paid advertisements… the list of links goes on and on. If they can click it, your landing page should not be far behind.

A landing page is the first opportunity you and your business have to make an impression on your new customers. Whenever a potential customer follows an ad to your website, they will decide in a moment’s notice whether or not clicking that link was a waste of their time.

Here at Inbound Design Studio, we are providing you with tips and tricks of the trade that will help you design your landing page and make your paid advertisements and inbound marketing strategies more successful.

Keep the Design Simple

The primary objective of a landing page is to efficiently direct web traffic to your website that has been generated with inbound marketing strategies. By keeping the design of your landing page simple, new customers will seamlessly transfer the momentum of interest created by the advertisement or social media post to your website.

Pro tip: While using keywords in the title of and the content within your webpage will increase its search-ability, the overuse of keywords can make your web content rigid, mechanical, and unfriendly to potential clients.

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Be Consistent

Inconsistency in the verbiage, display, or feel between your social media post or advertisement, landing page, and other pages on your website makes your business appear unprofessional. Use the same fonts, color schemes, and personality (or lack thereof) to develop a sense of trust and reliability with new customers.

Pro tip: Don’t be afraid to make your landing page stand-out a little. While making your landing page too noisy or obtrusive can make it feel like a pop-up ad, a little ingenuity and creativity will help you connect with your audience. 

Include Testimonials and Research

Another way to develop trust with your new customers is to display recent testimonials of customers or research that supports your business. When you back up the claims on the landing page with information from other reputable sources or actual customer feedback, you are more likely to attract more business.

Pro Tip: While practical to use in a blog and some other web-based content, links and videos can be incredibly distracting and should be used sparingly if at all. Unless the video is original and seamlessly melds into the landing page itself, the video should be considered a distraction on your landing page and be avoided entirely. 

Make it Mechanical (CTA's)

If you want your landing page to work harder for you and effectively turn leads into clients, then you will have to give it some moving parts. Use clickable buttons or links on the landing page to encourage your potential customers to do something like create an account, submit contact information, follow your blog, or purchase a product.

Pro Tip: While CTA's and intelligently designed and dynamic buttons boost web customer acquisition rates by providing browsers with an intuitive and autonomous way to participate, the overuse of buttons and CTA's stifles and deflects customer interest. When deciding where to place buttons or CTA's, consider a softer approach: make the button blend in with the background, layout, and content of the webpage—make the button noticeable in a less obvious way by placing a subtle CTA or button directly above and below the main content of your landing page.

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With these helpful tips, you should be able to create very successful landing pages to go hand-in-hand with your ad campaigns. Remember that the ad campaign can only be as strong as the landing page that it leads to, or your conversion rate will go up in flames. Fostering a positive relationship with a prospect doesn't have to be hard, so we have made it an easy follow. Cheers!

Austin Walker
Post by Austin Walker
March 29, 2018
Pulling analytical data from the HubSpot platform is Austin's favorite pastime! He loves to see which pages are performing the worst and the best and continues to massage the elements for continual site improvements.