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I’ve had countless discussions with potential clients who are contemplating migrating their website to HubSpot’s CMS and ask the same question: "What will happen down the road if we decide we want to migrate our website off HubSpot?"

Fully committing to HubSpot can be a big deal for companies. While HubSpot offers a robust website, sales, and marketing platform, some potential HubSpot customers can be wary of ‘putting all their eggs in one basket’.

HubSpot can be costly and requires a lot of commitment to ensure ROI. But what happens if you don’t get the ROI and need to move to a more inexpensive platform? Or what if after a year your boss insists that it’s just not the solution for your company?

I will share with you the same thing I’ve told countless potential clients - that from a technical perspective, there is nothing different from migrating your website off HubSpot vs any other platform. In fact, HubSpot actually makes it easier than most platforms to export your data!

The main issue isn’t getting the information out of HubSpot - it’s importing it into your newly selected platform. Unfortunately, there isn’t a red easy button to import websites between different platforms.  

The reason for this is that each website platform software is structured slightly different from one another. There will always be some manual ‘massaging’ to ensure the coding is set up correctly and some manual labor to build out your pages within the new platform.

Some website platforms, such as HubSpot, at least take a step to help out their customers and make the data extraction process a bit easier (ie: page content, blog posts, CSS/jquery stylesheets, Contacts, Deals, etc), whereas other platforms may have a lockdown on exporting anything - which makes the process a bit more difficult! (We’ve had clients migrate from platforms which wouldn’t even allow a standard blog export file! Imagine not being able to easily export your blog posts!). Fortunately, there are typically workarounds to overcome these issues, however, they usually involve additional costs.

Do you have any questions or concerns about migrating your website to/from HubSpot’s CMS? If so, LET'S CHAT.

Sometimes it’s good to just get another opinion on it because again, it can be a pretty big commitment.


HubSpot Tips
Melissa Roberge
Post by Melissa Roberge
June 19, 2019
As the founder of Inbound Design Partners, Melissa knows how important user experience is to a high-performing website.